Blockhain Ireland Awards 2024!

Announcements, News

After a hugely successful Blockchain Ireland Week 2024, the wrap party was a joyous affair. This was due in no small part to the annual Blockchain Ireland Awards! Blockchain Ireland was delighted to recognise the oustanding contribution to the community and ecosystem made by Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe, and in his […]

Blockchain Bootcamp launch

Announcements, News

Join our BI Startups and Web3 ecosystem to learn more about Web3, DeFi, Crypto Startup culture. Connect with blockchain, crypto and Web3 founding teams, learn about Web3 product pipelines, digital marketing and community-building, fundraising and pitching in the Blockchain Bootcamp. The Blockchain Bootcamp will be weekly Monday Morning All-Hands and 1-1 mentorship for talented Web3 […]

Blockchain Ireland Week 2024 – Second Stage!

Announcements, News

Blockchain Ireland is delighted to announce a collaboration between the Technical and Start-ups and Web3 working groups for a second stage at Blockchain Ireland Week 2024. Taking place along side, but complementary to, the main stage, the programme will be hosted in the Maharry Theatre in the Trinity Business School. See below for the evolving […]

Blockchain Ireland Week 2024 – Save the Date!


Bringing together an international cast of authoritative and innovative voices of the blockchain, crypto and Web3 worlds, in a blend of key notes, discussion panels and breakouts, the event will once again provide a forum for learning, sharing, and discussion. Addressing themes around maturing and stabilising influences from developments in stablecoins, central bank digital currencies, […]