The EU CHAISE Project has the objective to develop a strategic approach on blockchain skills development for Europe. CHAISE says it “will deliver future-proof training solutions, in order to tackle blockchain skill shortages and to respond to the current and future skill needs of the European Blockchain workforce.”
Blcokchain Ireland has previously circulated surveys and data gathering initiatives for CHAISE, and hosted speakers at our events from ESRI, the local partner for the project.
CHAISE has released its latest Blockchain Skills Forecast 2024 report, which gives details of the blockchain skills landscape.
Among its conclusions are tentative evidence to suggest that blockchain skills demand is declining year-on-year. The forecasting estimates indicate that blockchain skills supply is forecasted to be sufficiently high to satisfy blockchain skills demand at the graduate level.
While forecasted graduate skills supply is sufficiently high at the European level, there is variation between countries. Skills supply shortages could persist for positions requiring more experience, though CHAISE admits that quantitative evidence is lacking.
Blockchain technology continues to be applied across a variety of sectors, resulting in occupationally diverse skills demand, new education and training offers and varied use cases.
However, the report points out that regulatory uncertainty, skills shortages, and a lack of use cases and public trust in blockchain were highlighted as potential challenges for growth in blockchain adoption.
The full report, and previous iterations, are available for download here.
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