
Fiona Delaney, Chair @BCIRL #Startups attended EU Blockchain Week in the handsome city of Ljubljana during the period of the Slovenian EU Presidency. 

Representing Blockchain Ireland she spoke at the Innovation Ecosystems panel on opening day, where representatives across Europe shared insights from research, industry and the legal profession to talk about our national blockchain ecosystems and how we can grow and learn together. 

Delaney framed the Irish ecosystem as one of ‘early-adoptive decentral innovation’, one that Blockchain Ireland acts as a focal point for, coming together to address stakeholder needs in an active community of practice.

Moderator, Nena Dukozov, leads the New Economy and Blockchain project at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology declared a ‘decentral ecosystem of early-adoptive decentral ecosystems’ one that shares, co-creates and propels greater visibility of emerging DLT practices across Europe and globally. Slovenia will seek to formalise this innovation ecosystems approach at the EU Blockchain Partnership in December later this year.

Prof. Joyce O’Connor, Chair @Blockchain Ireland, Education and Skills WG also virtually participated in the Conference on the Blockchain and AI panel and calls for our own government to create a roadmap for industry growth, workplace planning and societal career options, that recognises blockchain as a facilitator for other technologies including AI and AR, helping us develop and grow opportunities into the future. 

During the Conference, the Slovenian government launched two state-backed NFT initiatives for the Slovenian showcase at Dubai Exbo, that support Slovenian industrial design and Slovenian tourism. The initiative is a cooperation between the Slovenian Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, the public agency for the promotion of entrepreneurship and investment SPIRIT and the Ljubljana Technology Park.

In transit airport image

Delaney also had an opportunity to meet visual artist Norma de Saint Picman. Norma’s landscape paintings were exhibited as ‘NoraVisionSolar – The Garden of Eden’. You can find out more about art investment and the city of Ljubljana here.


October 2024


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