
In July 2021, European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) launched the Multi-University Pilot, which gathered European universities alliances across 11 countries, who joined forces and identified, designed, and delivered six cross-border scenarios.

Those projects relied on the use of a common standard, known as verifiable credentials, for wallets as digital interfaces and blockchain as the trusted technology infrastructure.

Each project’s private and public sector partners were given early access to the pre-production environment of EBSI and were invited to develop their own pilot projects to address specific business or governmental use cases involving the exchange of verifiable credentials in the education domain. By the 31st of May, they had successfully piloted their cross-border projects.

Full details of these scenarios are now available to review, to see how to implement EBSI’s use cases enabling European citizens to study, work, and move across borders by exchanging verifiable credentials.

EBSI says: “Together we can re-image mobility in Europe. Click here to find out how.” 

The EBSI Early Adopters have been challenged to test their different pilots in real-life settings. Key stakeholders had to be identified to test the interoperability of their solutions in the ecosystem to allow for the exchange of verifiable credentials by students and universities: trusted accreditation organisations, trusted issuers, holders of credentials, wallet providers and other partners. To build their cross-border pilots, they followed a collaborative path. The final step of the Early Adopters programme was a showcase of the outcomes in the demo day organised in May 2022.

  • Discover – They first explored the EBSI specifications and made sure their pilot scope was clear.
  • Design – They used the Verifiable Credentials Lifecycle to understand how Verifiable Credentials work according to W3C and EBSI standards. They designed the cross-border pilot scenario(s) and the integration plan at a Design Workshop.
  • Build and test – They integrated their solutions in pre-production, basing themselves on the Verifiable Credentials Playbook and using wallets conformant with EBSI, they implemented the Verifiable Credentials according to W3C and EBSI standard specifications.

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October 2024


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